While it’s great to stay indoors and be warm and cozy, there’s so much to do outdoors in winter, too. Many people don’t like the snow or cold but personally I find it to be a beautiful time of the year- the more snow, the better! Here’s my list of fun things you can do to enjoy this lovely season with your little one(s)!
1. Outdoor winter campfire ft. hot chocolate

Bundle up and head to your backyard, seasonal camp spot or somewhere else you can legally have an outdoor fire. Bring along a thermos of hot chocolate for the adults (and children if old enough). You could also bring some marshmellows to roast or even hot dogs. Your baby will love playing in the snow, feeling the warmth of the fire, watching it crackle and glow! Your toddler will love helping roast marshmallows or hot dogs and spending time with you in a new and fun environment.

2. A ride in the sled.
While sleigh riding is an obvious choice for older toddlers and children, you may not think of it for babies. But a ride in a wooden (or plastic!) pullable sled is a great way to take your little one out to experience the beauty of winter and get some fresh air for you too!
Explore your favourite local trail, park, or take a stroll down the road if it’s snowy enough!

3. Snowshoeing!
You can bring your sled along snowshoeing or baby wear if your child is small enough to still manage it. If they’re old enough to try their own pair of snow shoes you could try that too. Check out your local snowshoe trails online to find one that’s already somewhat packed down. Don’t forget to pack water and snacks, and dress warm! Also, be ready to turn back if it gets too tiring. It can be a long, hard trek for a little one or for an adult if carrying the child!

4. Ice fishing fun!
If you’re up for it, you could always try out ice fishing. It’s a great way to spend time outdoors with friends or family. I’d recommend going with someone who’s experienced and has the needed equipment if you haven’t been before. Also, always make sure the ice is SAFE first. Do your research, check with others, and if it’s a viable option for you then don’t be afraid to take your little one out to enjoy!

5. Build a snowman
If some of these are too adventurous or you feel like sticking close to home, there’s plenty to do in your own backyard. Building a snowman, for example! A baby will enjoy watching you and taking in the sights and sounds of winter and a toddler might enjoy helping you roll the snow and watching it transform into a magical snowman. Maybe they can even help come up with a name!

6. Nature walk and tree decorating.
Take your little one for a walk in the snowy woods. Find a special tree and honour it by adorning it with whatever natural elements you can find: leaves, boughs, pinecones, etc. You can also add snow shapes and decorations. Use it to teach your child about honouring and respecting nature, and showing them the beauty of the world- even in the cold months.

7. Make an ice decoration.
Collect elements from nature and put them in a pan of water with your child. Place it either outside if it’s cold enough or in the freezer and then check back when it’s frozen. You can include a string to hang the decoration up if it’s not too heavy, too! Your child will learn about what happens when water freezers and be able to look outside at their lovely decoration and even watch what happens when it warms up and it melts!

8. Make snow angels!
An easy and fun thing to do- make snow angels. This is probably the most simple and yet also most classic snow activity you can do with your little one!

9. Make a winter mandala.
Have a nature scavenger hunt to hunt down natural elements for your mandala- make it a game! Then find a fresh spot in the snow and place the items down in a pretty pattern, however you want. Encourage your child to notice patterns and shapes in nature. Create mandalas to inspire even yourself to notice, create and find beauty in the winter!

10. Try frozen bubbles!
I actually haven’t tried this yet myself but they look so cool, I definitely want to try it this winter. You can google a recipe to make the bubble mix, but I believe you mix together dish soap, warm water, corn syrup, and sugar, If I try it, I will update you and of course I’ll take pictures!