Hi, I’m Courtney.
I am a mother living in a small, cozy house nestled in the forest on my First Nation reserve. Creativity is my passion—I find beauty in art, nature, culture, and the everyday moments of motherhood. Through my journey, I hope to inspire other moms to embrace creativity in parenting and to find, be, and create beauty in their own lives.
“I have always believed in the magic of childhood and think that if you get your life right that magic should never end.”
-Colin Thimpson
My goal is to share and spread creativity, beauty & magic.
We can find magic and beauty every day by noticing light, patterns, the beauty of nature, animals, children. By paying attention to our dreams and intuitions and the synchronicities we experience. There’s so much weird, interesting stuff to pay attention to in this world. We can decorate our minds, our days and our lives and the lives our children with all of this beauty and magic just by noticing it and the more we notice, the more we experience.
I plan to make these years I have on this crazy ball of mud floating through space the most creative, beautiful, magical, weird, and happy as I possibly can. Wanna come?